Fighting Hunger...One Can at a Time

Board of Supervisors Office Display - "Have a Heart"
In its seventh year, a record 20 County departments participated in Alameda County's 2020 Stone Soup Food Drive and Design Competition. The theme for this year's competition was "Have a Heart, " which highlighted the compassion, empathy and kindness that County employees bring to those in need. The County raised 19,070.32 pounds, which is over 9 and a half tons, of food and exceeded our $20,000 goal to donate over $22,934.43 in monetary donations to the Alameda County Community Food Bank (ACCFB)! In support of our Stone Soup donation to the ACCFB, the Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation founded by Stephen and Ayesha Curry will be matching our donation dollar for dollar raising a total of $45,868 for the Food Bank! The Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation helps provide meals to ensure that no child in our community worries about where their next meal comes from while schools are closed.
To help meet the demands for high need "pop top" items for individuals facing food insecurity, we doubled the points allocated to these items. "Pop top" items are items that have a tab or ring that can be pulled or pushed to make an opening in the top of a container, which makes the donated food more easily accessible to eat. Agencies/Departments who donated high need "pop top" items boosted their overall score! The total poundage with the points doubled was 27,882.86.
Assessor's Office Display - "Proof the Assessor has a heart"
The 2020 Stone Soup winners are:
- Leadership Award: The Board of Supervisors
- Best Recipe Award: Information Technology Department and The Office of County Counsel
- Chef’s Award: The Probation Department, Sheriff's Office and Social Services Agency
- Most Creative Award: Auditor-Controller's Office, District Attorney's Office and Public Works Agency
- Most Inspiring Award: Assessor's Office, County Library and Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office
- Making a Difference Award: Department of Child Support Services and General Services Agency
- Stone Soup Spirit Award: County Administrator's Office, Community Development Agency and Alameda County Health
Also to be acknowledged are the amazing Partners who, while they did not build a display, contributed food and/or monies to the drive. Partners: Alameda County Fire Department, Human Resource Services and Public Defender's Office.
The Alameda County Community Food Bank will gladly accept donations through the holidays and beyond to help the less fortunate in our community. For every $1 donated, $7 worth of food is provided to those in need.
To donate, go to