
The Alameda County Department of Agriculture / Weights and Measures promotes the Alameda County agricultural industry, protects the environment and the general public, and provides buyers and sellers a fair marketplace. We are the local enforcement authority for the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
Our mission is to:
- Ensure the safe and responsible use of pesticides by farmers, pest control operators, government, industry, and the general public.
- Prevent the introduction, establishment, and spread of harmful insects, plant diseases, weeds, and other pests.
- Ensure that commercial transactions based on weight or volume are performed on accurate and appropriate equipment.
What's New:
- ***NEW*** Livestock Pass-- 2025 Training Information
- Mediterranean Fruit Fly Quarantine Alameda County (9/9/24)
- 2024 UC Train the Trainer Virtual Workshops (English)
- 2024 UC Talleres VIRTUALES de Capacitación de Instructores (Espanol)
- USDA Rural Development Off-Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants Program
- California Weights & Measures Regulatory Requirements for Medical Cannabis
- New video series help schools comply with the Healthy Schools Act: "Integrated Pest Management for Schools" (with Spanish subtitles: Manejo Integrado de Plagas (IPM) para las Escuelas)
- Japanese Dodder - Have You Seen This Vine? (PDF - 174kB)
- Buying Commercial Scales On The Internet (PDF - 444kB)