General Plans, Ordinances & Policies
California Airport Land Use Commissions (ALUC)
In California, Airport Land Use Commissions (ALUCs) are established pursuant to the State ALUC law (Public Utilities Code Article 3.5, State Aeronautics Act, Section 21661.5, Section 21670 et seq., and Government Code Section 65302.3 et seq.) In accordance with Section 21674(b) of the California Public Utilities Code, an ALUC has the authority "to coordinate planning at the state, regional and local levels so as to provide for the orderly development of air transportation, while at the same time protecting the public health, safety, and welfare"; to prepare and adopt airport land use plans; and to review and make recommendations concerning specified plans, regulations and other actions of local agencies and airport operators. In addition, ALUCs review plans for proposed new airports or heliports. Under this statute, ALUCs serve four primary functions:
- Develop and adopt land use standards to minimize public exposure to safety hazards and excessive levels of noise;
- Prevent encroachment of incompatible land uses around public-use airports; specifically within the Airport Influence Area (AIA) for each airport;
- Prepare an Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for the each airport's AIA defining compatible land uses for Safety, Noise, Airspace Protection, and Overflight;
- Perform land use consistency determinations for proposed projects within each airport's AIA, as described in the airport's ALUCP.
Frequently Asked Questions | |
When and where are ALUC Meetings Held? | Bimonthly Meeting Schedule: January, March, May, July, September, and November. TIME: 2:00 PM on the 3rd Wednesdays of these months. Alameda County Offices 224 W. Winton Avenue Hayward, CA 94544 Public Hearing Room, 1st floor |
How do I contact the Alameda County ALUC? | Olivia Ortiz (they/them), Planner 3
Staff, Airport Land Use Commission 510-670-6523 |
How can I tell if my project needs to go to the ALUC? | Use this map to see if the relevant parcels are located within the Airport Influence Area (AIA) and other Compatibility Zones for the airport near the project location. If the location is within the AIA, it should be referred to the ALUC for a Plan Consistency Determination. Certain types of construction, such as very tall buildings, outside of the AIA may also need to be referred. Please note that the map database is searchable by address and/or parcel number. Click here to access the ALUC Map. |
What information is needed to refer a project to the ALUC? | Please see the ALUC Project Referral Application Form and Instructions for instructions. |
Please click here to view ALUC meeting Agendas, Audio Files, and Minutes.
The Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission and Airport Land Use Compatibility Planning
The State Aeronautics Act (Public Utilities Code, Section 21670 et seq.) requires the preparation of an Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for nearly all public-use airports in the state (Section 21675). The intent of the ALUCP is to encourage compatibility between airports and the various land uses that surround them.
After approving interim plans in the early 1970s, the Alameda County ALUC adopted the Airport Land Use Policy Plan (ALUPP) in 1977. The ALUPP was amended in 1979, and again in 1986. In 2002, the Alameda County ALUC initiated an update of the 1986 ALUPP. The following ALUCPs for the county's three public-use airports can be accessed here:
San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport (formerly Oakland International Airport)
- Cover and Title (PDF - 1.58MB)
- OAK Table of Contents (PDF - 135KB)
- OAK Ch1 Introduction (PDF - 1.19MB)
- OAK Ch2 County-wide Policies (PDF - 635KB)
- OAK Ch3 San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport Policies (PDF - 3.55MB)
- OAK Ch4 San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport and Vicinity Data (PDF - 4.39MB)
- OAK Ch5 References (PDF - 305KB)
- OAK Appendix A California Airport Land Use Commission Laws-PUC Section 21670 (PDF - 264KB)
- OAK Appendix B Airport Land Use Compatibility Concepts (PDF - 507KB)
- OAK Appendix C Federal Aviation Regulations-Part 77 (PDF - 413KB)
- OAK Appendix D Methods For Determining Concentrations of People (PDF - 354KB)
- OAK Appendix E Sample Implementation Documents (PDF - 270KB)
- OAK Appendix F Consistency Checklist (PDF - 292KB)
- OAK Appendix G Heliport Design (PDF - 391KB)
- OAK Appendix H Glossary (PDF - 279KB)
- OAK Appendix I Real Estate Disclosure Law and Legislation (PDF - 243KB)
- Entire Document (PDF - 11.0MB)
Hayward Executive Airport
- Cover and Title (PDF - 2.86MB)
- HWD Table of Contents (PDF - 137KB)
- HWD Ch1 Introduction (PDF - 1.18MB)
- HWD Ch2 County-wide Policies (PDF - 735KB)
- HWD Ch3 Hayward Executive Airport Policies (PDF - 6.55MB)
- HWD Ch4 Hayward Executive Airport and Vicinity Data (PDF - 5.59MB)
- HWD Ch5 References (PDF - 306KB)
- HWD Appendix A State Law Related to Airport Land Use Planning (PDF - 341KB)
- HWD Appendix B Airport Land Use Compatibility Concepts (PDF - 507KB)
- HWD Appendix C FAA Airspace Protection Guidance (PDF - 400KB)
- HWD Appendix D Methods For Determining Concentrations of People (PDF - 444KB)
- HWD Appendix E Sample Implementation Documents (PDF - 258KB)
- HWD Appendix F Consistency Checklist (PDF - 274KB)
- HWD Appendix G Heliport Design (PDF - 413KB)
- HWD Appendix H City of Hayward, Ordinance 91-16 (PDF - 277KB)
- HWD Appendix I Glossary (PDF - 243KB)
- HWD Appendix J Real Estate Disclosure Law and Legislation (PDF - 253KB)
- Entire Document (PDF - 16.8MB)
Livermore Municipal Airport
- Cover and Title (PDF - 1.60KB)
- LVK Table of Contents (PDF - 136KB)
- LVK Ch1 Introduction (PDF - 1.15MB)
- LVK Ch2 County-wide Policies (PDF - 814KB)
- LVK Ch3 Livermore Municipal Airport Policies (PDF - 2.85MB)
- LVK Ch4 Livermore Municipal Airport and Vicinity Data (PDF - 7.09MB)
- LVK Ch5 References.pdf (PDF -341KB)
- LVK Appendix A California Airport Land Use Commission Laws-PUC Section 21670 (PDF - 340KB)
- LVK Appendix B Airport Land Use Compatibility Concepts (PDF - 790KB)
- LVK Appendix C FAA Airspace Protection Guidance (PDF - 399KB)
- LVK Appendix D Methods For Determining Concentrations of People (PDF - 444KB)
- LVK Appendix E Sample Implementation Documents (PDF - 259KB)
- LVK Appendix F Consistency Checklist (PDF - 274KB)
- LVK Appendix G Heliport Design (PDF - 405KB)
- LVK Appendix H Airport Protection Area (PDF - 394KB)
- LVK Appendix I Glossary (PDF - 235KB)
- LVK Appendix J Real Estate Disclosure Law and Legislation (PDF - 254KB)
- Entire Document (PDF - 13.1MB)
Project Referral Application and Fee Schedule
If you are considering a potential land use project but not sure if it needs to be referred to the ALUC for review, you can use this link (Alameda County ALUC Map) to see if the project parcel(s) are located within the Airport Influence Area (AIA) and other Compatibility Zones for the airport near the project location. If the location is within the AIA, it should be referred to the ALUC for a Plan Consistency Determination. Please note that the map database is searchable by address and/or parcel number.
Certain proposed land use actions and projects are subject to the provisions of the applicable Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. If a jurisdiction or developer proposes a project that requires a Compatibility Determination by the ALUC, an application and fees must be submitted prior to review. ALUC Application form and FAA forms, if required for a project, can be accessed below.
- ALUC Project Referral Application Form and Instructions (PDF - 171KB)
*Please Note*: A completed ALUC Project Referral Application MUST be submitted to the ALUC for each project by email, regular mail, or fax. Fees must be submitted by check and mailed to the address listed below. Make check payable to Alameda County Treasurer. The check must include the name of the project and indicate it is for ALUC Review Fees.
Staff Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Olivia Ortiz, Planner 3
Staff, Airport Land Use Commission
224 W. Winton Avenue, Suite 111
Hayward, CA 94544
Federal Aviation Administration - Project Review Forms
Some projects involving new construction or alteration to an existing structure, or proposals for a new airfield, runway, or heliport *may* require an FAA Airspace Determination. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to determine if FAA review will also be required for a project.
*PLEASE NOTE* FAA Forms are to be submitted directly to the FAA as described in the forms below, not to the ALUC.
- FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Alteration and Construction (PDF - 419KB)
- FAA Form 7460-2 Notice of Actual Alteration and Construction (PDF - 655KB)
- FAA Form 7480 Landing Area Proposal (PDF - 248KB)
Current Fee Schedule
Administrative Review: Application submission fee of $500.00
Commission Determination Hearing (if required) If a hearing by the Commission is required to complete a Consistency Determination, applicants will be notified and required to submit a Commission Review fee of $500.00 prior to the hearing.
Resource Documents
- California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook (Caltrans Guidance Document for ALUCs) (PDF - 7.23MB)
- California State Aeronautics Act (Public Utilities Code, Section 21670 et seq.) (PDF - 335KB)
- California Aviation Fact Sheet (PDF - 394KB)
Resource Agencies
Alameda County Public-Use Airports
- San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport
- Hayward Executive Airport
- Livermore Municipal Airport