County's Fleet Named One of 10 Greenest in North America
(October 2014) Green Fleet Forum has named Alameda County the 10th Greenest Fleet in North America, our sixth year being recognized as one of the 40 greenest fleets in North America.
The Government Green Fleet Award recognizes federal, state, and local fleets that demonstrate sustainable practices in fleet composition, fuel and emissions, policy and planning, fleet utilization, education, and executive and employee involvement.
California was strongly represented with 10 of the top 50 fleets in North America from the state. The City of Oakland was also recognized as one of the 50 greenest fleets.
Alameda County General Service Agency's Transportation Services Manager, Doug Bond, was also named a "Sustainability All-Star" for the fourth year in a row, recognizing his regional leadership in electric vehicles and climate action. Awarded at the 2014 Green Fleet Conference to 42 fleet managers and vendors - 15 of whom manage government fleets - the award honors significant sustainability achievements, professional longevity, industry involvement, and innovation in reducing emissions and fuel consumption.